by Samantha | Aug 2, 2016 | Periscope, Uncategorized |
Day 2 of my Periscope Personal 31-day challenge. Today I’m talkng about taking risks. The truth is if there is no risk there is no reward. Check out the scope and be sure to follow me to catch me live. I post each morning between 8:30 and 9:00 am. LIVE on...
by Samantha | Aug 1, 2016 | Periscope, Uncategorized |
I’ve decided to do a personal periscope challenge. For the next 31 days I’ll be doing scopes based on the life lessons I’ve learned. The first one is all about choosing yourself first. We put our lives on the back burner and eventually burn out....
by Samantha | Mar 22, 2016 | Uncategorized |
Today I’m talking to Yolanda Lewis of Grown Women Real Talk TV about a very hot topic. Can men and women really be friends and do it successfully? Does it lead to love or an affair if either of them are in other relationships? Tune in below or hop on over to...
by Samantha | Dec 2, 2015 | Health & Wellness, Love, Self-Expression, Uncategorized |
“Money Flows Effortlessly into My Life” That is the mantra I’ve been repeating to myself for the last few days. The results? Today I got a $20 bill and a check for $1.62 in the mail. Small? Sure. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg for the money that will flow into...
by Samantha | Aug 8, 2015 | Uncategorized |
I recently moved to a new home and it’s already making a world of difference in my life. It’s been exactly one week since moving into my new place. It’s bigger, better, and more blissful! I now have the space to expand my life and my business for the...
by Samantha | Apr 20, 2015 | Uncategorized |
Are you letting crummy relationships affect your business, health, and finances? How do you go from toxic to healthy relationships? Listen to my interview on Women Who Rock With Success to hear the 5 tips to moving from toxic relationships to healthy relationships....