Writing a book is a great accomplishment but that is just the beginning. If you are an introvert like me you probably dread the marketing you must do to get the word out about your new book. Here are a few ways to share your book or product without sapping your energy. I’ve used all of these methods.
I can’t say which ones were the most profitable, but I can say they were effective for getting the word out about my books and products. Hopefully, you will find the ones that work best for you. Once you do, stick with it.
1. Record video instead of doing live video
Live video requires a certain energy level that many introverts need to protect. I was convinced that I needed to do live video on Facebook and Instagram. I let go of that marketing advice and decided to stick with recording videos and uploading to the platforms that made sense for my books.
2. Record voice-over slide videos instead of talking head videos
If you do not want to be in the video, create slides and then record yourself talking over them. You can do it on Zoom then upload to YouTube, your website, or Facebook.
3. Create short informative videos instead of long monologue videos
Short videos that educate or entertain are better than long videos. Given the short attention span of most people, short videos do better. Simply share one point or message then share the link to your book.
4. Write articles to submit to Medium, LinkedIn, and other article publishing platforms
Writing articles are easy ways to share excerpts from your book. In addition to posting on your website, post on Medium, LinkedIn, and other article publishing platforms.
5. Create and upload presentation slides on your topic to Slideshare
Use PowerPoint or Google Slides to create a presentation on your topic. Upload the slides on Slideshare, Slide Rocket, and other presentation sites. The more enticing the title and graphics the more views you will get. Be sure to include information about your book at the end of the presentation.
6. Create checklist and worksheet freebies to post on Pinterest
Use your imagination to create a checklist or worksheet from the content of your book. Use eye-catching graphics and post on Pinterest and Instagram. The link should go to the book’s worksheet or checklist page which will also include a link to your book.
7. Upload a chapter of your book to Scribd and other doc sharing sites
Share a chapter from your book to give people a taste of what they can expect when they buy it. Upload the free chapter on Scribd and other document sharing sites. Also, include the checklist or worksheet you created from the previous step for good measure.
8. Be a podcast guest
Offer to be a guest on relevant podcasts to get the word out about your book. Podcast hosts are always looking for interesting guests. Some even look specifically for book authors. Be sure to tell the listeners where they can get a copy of your book.
9. Do written interviews for Bloggers and Journalist
Bloggers and journalist need content on a regular basis. Offer to do a written interview for their blog or website. Answer their questions in full sentences and be sure to make it interesting.
10. Write and submit an article format press release
Use an excerpt from your book to create a useful article. Use that article as a press release to share on press release distribution sites. A news outlet may pick up your article and run it as is or contact you for an interview.
11. Write articles that piggyback on holidays and observances
Holidays and observances are prime for writing articles for your book. If your book has themes or scenes surrounding a specific holiday, use it to promote your book. You might share recipes, offer stories, or give ideas on how to make the most of the celebration.
12. Partner/ collaborate with others authors or artists to do a Live Q&A session on related topics
If doing a live social media video gives you the hives, consider partnering with other authors to do live sessions. You can do a theme each week or do weekly Q&A sessions. It may be easier to talk with one person on the air than hundreds or thousands. Your energy is not spread then and the audience gets two for one.
13. Be an online summit or conference expert where the interview is pre-recorded
Being an expert on an online summit or conference is an excellent way to talk about your book. Typically, the host records the interview ahead of time so you have time to prepare. You have the opportunity to submit a bio that should include a link to your book website.
14. Offer a free chapter, Worksheet, cheat sheet, or mini-course to build an email list
Offer the free chapter, worksheet, or checklist you created earlier as a freebie in exchange for an email address. This is a great way to build your email list of prospective buyers of your future books and products. You could also create a mini-course to give away as well.
15. Create a quiz or test or survey on your topic to build your email list
People love to test their skills or find out their results on a survey. Create a short survey or quiz that is fun and engaging to attract people. They will give you their email address to get the results.
16. Create a course on Skillshare, Udemy, and other course sharing sites on your topic
Develop and sell a course related to your book on Skillshare, Udemy, Teachable, or Thinkific to market your book. Pat Flynn did this and continues to attract new followers sell more books.
17. Answer questions on Q&A sites i.e. Quora or Yahoo Answers 
Since you have written a book you are officially an expert on your topic. Use that expertise to answer questions on Quora and Yahoo Answers. You can include your book link in your bio. When your answers are upvoted you get more eyes on your bio and potential buyers for your book.
18. Submit articles to article sites I.e. Ezine Articles
Another article submission site is EzineArticles.com. There are other article directories you can submit your article to as well. Add your book link to your bio for more sales opportunities.
19. Share quote graphics on social media
Create book quotes for Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter graphics in Canva or your favorite graphics creation software. Share your post your quotes on all your social media each day. Use Planoly or Grum to schedule your posts for Instagram. Use Buffer, Hootsuite, or your favorite social media scheduler to post on the other platforms.
20. Sponsor an event related to your topic or that has your ideal buyer
Another low energy but high impact way to promote your book is sponsoring events. Small local events may be the most affordable sponsor fee option for you. Your book will be listed on the event website along with a link to your website page.
21. Submit a book or gift package as a giveaway at an event
If you want to get noticed at larger events you can submit your book or a gift package as a giveaway at the event. Your book will be raffled off putting it on full display to all the attendees. If you can attend the event and present your book to the winner you get face time and people coming up to you asking how to purchase the book.
22. Giveaway a book prize pack on social media
Create a book prize pack and run a giveaway contest on social media. You can offer this same prize pack to an influencer to giveaway on their social media channels for greater reach.
23. Create merchandise for your book using characters, quotes, or related idea
Put your creative skills to work creating t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, or journals related to your book topic and/or characters. Make it relatable and you will not only get product sales but merchandise sales too!
24. Submit book to contests and awards
Enter your book into writing contest and awards in your category. Winning the award will boost your sales and being mentioned in the list of submissions can also give you more exposure.
25. Submit book to book review bloggers and professional reviewers
Getting your book reviewed and posted by bloggers and professional reviewers is a great way to promote your book without much effort. Here is a list of bloggers and their topics to contact:
Here is a list of professional reviewers:
26. Outsource these introvert marketing methods using the Simple Outsourcing Guide
This Simple Outsourcing Guide shows you how to pick the best team to get the work done. Outsourcing saves you time, energy, and effort while getting you bottom-line results.
27. Check out the Deliciously Simple Online Business Guide to learn how to set up your online book business.
Your book is a business so you need to know how to set up the online portion of the business quickly and effectively. Use the Deliciously Simple Online Business Guide as a checklist to set up your website, payment processors, and marketing funnel.
28. Download the Author Visibility Guide for more general marketing ideas
Marketing is an on-going process. With the ideas in this article and the Author Visibility Guide, you will have the best marketing primer to reference when you want to try fresh ideas.
29. Download the Book Marketing Checklist
If you prefer having a simple checklist to use each time you want to market your book, use this Book Marketing Checklist. Conserve your thinking energy every single time and even hand off the checklist to your book marketing virtual assistant to implement your marketing plan.