by Samantha | Jul 23, 2013 | Business |
A few months ago I wrote a user manual for a client that turned out well. I basically built on top of existing content then tweaked the rest based on user specification. This made the process easier because the client knew what they wanted. Unfortunately that is not...
by Samantha | Jun 26, 2013 | Business |
Years ago I worked for a well-known insurance company that employed a very large workforce. One of the things I liked about the company, other than the cafeteria and profit-sharing plan, was the newsletter. Each month it came out, me and most of the other employees...
by Samantha | Jun 26, 2013 | Uncategorized |
I’m no stranger to the blogosphere and yet here I am writing another first post. The reason? My old site was hacked. Plain and not so simple. So here I am again re-introducing myself and wondering how this will all turn out. I suppose it doesn’t matter as...
by Samantha | Jun 27, 2012 | Business |
How to handle unsavory guest posters looking for a free ride and free advertising on your website or blog The latest trend in blogging is guest posting. It is a wonderful way for new and not so new bloggers to get exposure and build an audience. The premise is to...
by Samantha | Jan 15, 2012 | Business |
Have you noticed that the more education a person has the more complicated their words and conversations seem to be? I have always been fascinated by this. Didn’t someone say that the more you know the simpler your communication should be? Maybe that is what I said at...