As someone with ADHD, I hate strict morning routines that feel rigid and boring. I need variety and flexibility to stay engaged.

That’s why I created my own 7-step morning ritual that energizes me for the day while accommodating my brain’s need for novelty.

If you also have an ADHD brain that resists routines, you’ll love how fun and effortless my morning ritual is!

Step 1: Meditate or Motivate

I start my day by choosing to either meditate or listen to/watch something motivational. Meditation could be a guided meditation, sitting in silence, or simple breathing exercises. I set a timer for 10-15 minutes so I stay focused. If I opt for motivation, I’ll listen to part of an inspiring audiobook, or podcast, or watch motivational videos on YouTube.

Having the choice between meditating or motivating gets my day started on a positive note without feeling restricted. I can pick what I need most that morning – either calming my mind or fueling inspiration.

Step 2: Move Your Body

Next up is getting my body moving. I have a mini trampoline called a rebounder that provides a fun way to get my blood pumping. I’ll jump on it for 10 minutes while listening to upbeat music. The rebounder is gentle on my joints while giving me a great cardio workout.

On days I don’t use my rebounder, I’ll do yoga or go for a short walk while listening to my favorite morning playlist. Having options for how I move my body prevents exercise boredom.

Step 3: Crank Up the Tunes

No morning ritual is complete without music! I always carve out time to listen to uplifting, energetic songs as part of my routine. Music instantly improves my mood and productivity.

I have a dedicated morning playlist with my favorite upbeat songs to start the day. Try making your morning mix filled with songs that make you smile and want to dance. Let the music motivate you!

Step 4: Get Motivated

In addition to listening to motivational audio or video (step 1), I spend a few minutes reading or listening to something else inspirational. This could be a passage from a book, motivational quotes, or a short podcast episode.

Feeding my mind with positive, empowering ideas helps me feel focused, driven, and ready to tackle the day. Find motivating resources that resonate with you and add them to your morning ritual.

Step 5: Money Check-In

This vital step only takes a minute – checking in on my finances first thing in the morning. I log into my bank account and review my balance and recent transactions.

Doing a quick money check-in reminds me to be grateful for what I have while also staying on top of my finances. When you start your day by looking at your money, it sets the intention to attract more abundance.

Step 6: Take Your Supplements

To keep my mind and body performing at their best, I take supplements like a multivitamin, omega-3s, and magnesium. You can also drink something like green tea or lemon water.

Nourishing your body with supplements and nutrients boosts your energy levels, immunity, and overall wellness. Figure out what works best for you.

Step 7: Morning Pages

The last step is writing my Morning Pages – 1-3 pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness writing. I write down any thoughts swirling in my head, my feelings/emotions, my gratitude list, and anything else I want to get out.

Doing Morning Pages is cathartic and helps me start the day feeling calm, focused, and intentional instead of frantic and distracted.

Bring Your Morning Ritual to Life

I never would have stuck with a boring, rigid morning routine. That’s why I created my own flexible 7-step ritual catered to my ADHD preferences. It keeps me engaged by offering variety in my actions and content choices.

If you dread strict morning routines, use my ritual as inspiration to build your own. Pick what resonates and customize it to fit your needs. Avoid anything that makes you feel trapped or drowsy.

Most importantly, have fun and savor the uplifting start to your day! Maintaining your magnificent morning ritual will become a delightful new habit.

To get my favorite resources for each step of my morning ritual, visit my Magnificent Morning Ritual Resource page at []. Start your day the magnificent way!