2014 P4 Woman

Women are coming into their power and walking in prosperity of mind, body, spirit, and finances through prayer and positive thinking.

This power is from within. It grows and glows because they finally believe the truth of who they are. They no longer feel weak and afraid because the power of God lives in them. They walk in their natural brilliance and embrace their freedom.

They recognize their worth and attract healthy happy people into their lives. They no longer believe the lies of men or the enemies of God.

They learn how to live loved. They are healed of every physical ailment, every soul wound, and financial brokenness.

Power that Inspires Not Controls

The power they have is not derived by taking control from others. It leaves no one else weak so they can be strong.

Woman power heals and strengthen those around them. Woman power makes others feel safe. Woman power is love.

There is no space for fear in the life of a powerful and prosperous woman. All things are possible because they believe God is for them. They know He equips them through the power of the spoken word of prayer and positive thinking.

Positively Empowering People Around her

A powerful, positive, prosperous woman empowers people around her. Her glow touches each life that comes into her presence. She may never know how many women she has touched but the affects will be far reaching.

So forget about the negative things you see and hear. Release those negative people from your life. Stop believing the lies the enemies of God tell you. Stop believing the lies your family, your man, your boss, your teacher, and the media tells you. If it’s anything negative, diminishing, or hateful stop believing it.

Ignoring Death Threats and Walking in Her Destiny

If people are speaking death over you, start speaking life. If people are trying to influence you to lie, cheat, and steal your way through life, recognize that is a failure mechanics to keep you at their level. You are better than that. You are a powerful, positive, prosperous woman. Step into your birthright and walk in your brilliance now!

The P4 Woman Manifesto

If you are ready to claim your brilliance and become a P4 woman, watch the P4 Woman Manifesto and then grab the printable, sign it, and post it where you can see it everyday.

Save the Date:

Prosperous Woman Conference: October 11-12, 2014 in Atlanta, GA