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Three of the deadliest states of being a human can encounter. They lead to mental and physical problems that can cause irreparable damage to your soul.


What is Blyss?

The dictionary defines bliss as perfect happiness; great joy. I would even say it is being stress free.

My product, Blyss Body Butter is an all natural body butter that soothes mental, physical, and emotional distress. Side affects may include lower blood pressure, better sleep, and over feeling of well being. Recommended for bedtime use only. Safe for children and babies.

Basic Instructions
You are about to enter a world of Blyss Life©. If you are experiencing insomnia or stress this is the perfect solution for you.

Simply massage the butter into the bottom of your clean feet before you go to sleep. You will find yourself drifting away in about 5 minutes.

Use the Blyss Body Butter each night to get the best results. The Blyss Body Butter contains a blend of simple ingredients of magnesium, Shea butter, Coconut oil and lavender whipped into a cloud of hand poured silky cream. The all natural ingredients ensure you receive no unwanted chemicals in your body and peace for your soul.

Order Blyss Body Butter

A 4 oz jar is $20

Introductory price is $15 or 2 for $25

Coming Soon!

Recommended products
Try our magnesium oil, lavender lotion, and lavender spray as well as Valerian supplement for a holistic blissful experience.

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